Thursday 7 November 2019

100 word challenge!!

hello and welcome to my blog if you don't know me then my name is Annie Tanielu if you want more information about me then go to my blog. As you can see today we room 11 had Phil with us. He told us about this new challenge about 100 words and i thought it was impossible but the more  i got into it the more it got easier for me to understand it more. the first step was to make your five words by just discovering a cows valley picture and then you copy your buddy's five words and you put it together to make a 100 word story.
hello and welcome to my blog if you don't know me then my name is Annie Tanielu if you want more information about me then go to my blog. As you can see today we room 11 had Phil with us. He told us about this new challenge about 100 words and i thought it was impossible but the more i thought i got into it the more it got easier for me to understand it more. the first step was to make your five words by just discovering a cows valley picture and then you copy your buddy's five words and you put it together to make a 100 word challenge.